The SmarterTRACK Location Service Platform has been designed and built to meet the 3 key needs of businesses and optimised to enable it to be integrated into Google Earth and as such can display location information as an overlay from a web browser to:
Access location based applications
- Using any location technology
- On any network
- With Device Command Management with any chosen device
- Deliver a Device Client on chosen device platform
Provide Presence...
- Where are you?
- Here I am, Who or What is Close?
- Help!
Any Emergency Response Centre
- Deliver Privacy Controls whilst Exceeding Codes of Practice
- Providing Content Management Center
- On a Billing Engine with on-line Customer Management
SmarterTRACK is available on a range of devices and utilises the full range of location technology.
For more information
Email us on:
enquiries@smartermobile.comInterested in becoming a dealer?
Click here to contact us